A 6-week online course to bring a little bit of sunshine in your life with the Appreciative Inquiry approach - all at your own pace.
Easy weekly practices to shift to an appreciative mindset...
What is this course about?
Our brains are wired to notice the negative. It is our survival instinct. Unfortunately it is not useful anymore in the world we live in. The good news is that you can learn new habits and responses to every day challenges. With this 6-week online course, you will discover the power of the Appreciative Inquiry approach. With weekly lessons, resources and short exercises, you will develop tools to bring sunshine into your life
- no matter what the situation is.
This course is for you if you are tired of feeling down, stuck, or overwhelmed with negativity and hopelessness.
Appreciative Inquiry is life giving. It is about curiosity, creativity, collaboration, and fun!
Course Outline
Week 1: Appreciative Inquiry - introduction
What is Appreciative Inquiry, or AI? The first lesson provides some background and an overview of the key components of AI.
Week 2: The Constructionist Principle
Words create worlds - Reality is subjective. Each of us constructs it through our unique experiences and conversations.
Week 3: The Simultaneity Principle
Inquiry is change - Change happens the moment we ask a question, therefore “the questions we ask are fateful.”
Week 4: The Poetic Principle
What we focus on grows - Life is like a poem, there are endless ways to interpret it. What we choose to pay attention to becomes the world as we know it.
Week 5: The Anticipatory Principle
Images inspire action - People move in the direction of their images of the future. The more positive and hopeful the image, the more effective their present actions become.
Week 6: The Positive Principle
From a positive core to a positive spiral - There is good in everything and everyone. Momentum for change starts with small positive questions, words, and images that create upward spirals of positivity.
What's Included
Access to course material in a dedicated Members Area
6 lessons with resources available 24/7 so you can uncover the material at your own pace
Weekly exercises to solidify the learning
Access to the Members-only course forum
Access to direct support from Alma Coaching
Weekly email reminders to explore the next lesson
A convenient and affordable way to get a taste of Appreciative Inquiry
The beginning of a new way to live your life and
One 55-minute complimentary coaching session!
What you will Take Away from this Course
A growing appreciation for life
Smoother relationships
Resilience, the ability to bounce back from dark places
Hope and optimism for a brighter future
The ability to ask generative questions that create positive change around you
A toolkit that you can access on your own, at anytime
Feeling empowered and in control of your life
Course Pricing
The cost of the course is $225.
Please contact me to complete the purchase and get access to the course content.
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