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Mindset. Lifestyle. Climate.

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Proud member of the Be One Mentoring program by:

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Check out my signature program:

  From Climate Anxiety to Climate Resilience
    - 12 tools to navigate climate change.


Next group cohort starts Sept 11, 2024,
click here for details!

Or consider the self-paced option and start anytime,
or a customized one-on-one coaching program

Welcome! I'm your coach, Alex.
To learn more about me, click here
or listen to my latest podcast interview!


The world is changing, and fast. It is global, virtual, and diverse more than ever. Not to mention our lives have been forever changed from living through a pandemic. 


How do you deal with the constant uncertainty, stress, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm? How do you make decisions when the ground is constantly shifting below you? What skills do you need to develop to not only survive, but thrive in the future?


With coaching rooted in positive psychology, we develop a trusting relationship and a safe space to explore these questions. With me as your coach, you go back to what you know best, what feels right, your deepest values, your strengths and past successes. From there, I help you paint a bright and bold vision of your ideal future. And of course, together we'll design the steps to get you there - so that no matter what life throws at you, you'll know you have the resilience, creativity, and courage to handle it. 


When your mindset changes, your lifestyle changes. And when your lifestyle changes, the climate changes - in a good way!


Are you a young college graduate wondering, what do I do now? Or do you have several decades in the workplace behind you and ask yourself, is this it? Whether you are experiencing burnout, a midlife crisis, or analysis paralysis at these huge life and career decisions, I feel your pain, I've been there.  Feeling lost when looking for the perfect job is normal. 


The truth is that the world has changed, and so has the job market. How do you prepare for volatility, uncertainty, global competition and opportunities, and jobs that we can't even imagine will exist yet? 


The answer: we develop mindsets, skills, and tools to take you toward the lifestyle that you want. We co-create a journey that feels right and balances your needs and your wishes. We learn adaptability, transferable skills, change management. We prepare you for life, not a perfect job. 

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How about having a partner to guide you along the journey when trying to cope with the stress of climate change?
You don't have to do it all alone.


Climate anxiety or distress, eco-grief... these terms did not exist a few decades ago. Maybe you are feeling sad, scared, overwhelmed, angry or powerless at the thought of the climate crisis and you don't have words to put on those mixed and complex emotions. Especially if you are an empath or highly sensitive, the loss of natural habitat or biodiversity, the suffering caused by dramatic weather events, and the disparity of experiences relating to climate change around the globe can be debilitating. 


You don't need to face this alone. As a climate coach, I invite you to acknowledge and validate whatever your experience is. We create a safe space to have a climate conversation. Because talking about it is the very first step you can take to help the planet. Without judgement, pressure, or expectations, we start on a path of discovery of what works for you and what you CAN do. You'll leave with just the right amount of hope, confidence, and motivation - for you.

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"Whatever you do, do it out of love, not out of guilt."

Jane Goodall

Alma Coaching

Mindset. Lifestyle. Climate.

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